Suzette A. Boon PhD, 1949, is a clinical psychologist, and psychotherapist. She also worked as a researcher at the free University of Amsterdam (psychiatric department). She translated an validated the Dutch version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D) and received a PhD for her thesis “Multiple Personality Disorder in the Netherlands” in 1993. She has published several books, book chapters and many articles both on diagnosis as well as treatment of dissociative disorders.
She is currently working as consultant and psychotherapist at the Top Referent Trauma Center (TRTC) Brinkveld, Altrecht in Zeist, The Netherlands.
More recently she developed of new diagnostic interview, the Interview for Dissociative Disorders and Trauma-related Symptoms (IDDTS). She has also developed a skills training manual for patients with a complex dissociative disorder and has currently six years of experience using this manual in structured groups in the Netherlands. The English version of this manual with Kathy Steele, MN, CS and Onno van der Hart PhD is published by Norton Publishers recently (Coping with Trauma–Related Dissociation Skills training for Patients and Therapists).
She is co-founder of the European Society for Trauma an Dissociation (ESTD) and was the first president of this Society. She organized the first conference of the ESTD in Amsterdam in 2008, she was co organizer of the second European Conference on Trauma and Dissociation in april 2010 in Belfast and is co-organizer of the third conference in Berlin, March 29-31 2012 ( see
The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) granted her the David Caul Memorial Award in 1993, the Morton Prince Award in 1994 and the President’s Award of distinction and the status of fellow in 1995 for her contributions to diagnosis, treatment, research and education in the field of dissociative disorders. In 2009 ISSTD granted her the lifetime Achievement Award.